Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Letter to Tom Wolf, Governor of Pennsylvania

NOTE: The letters sent to the Governor, the President, and the Vice President were sent by certified mail with a requested receipt. Yes, I know -- I've been reminded that the letters will never get into their hands and never be read by them! That may be so, but some staff member will open them and just maybe that will make an eternal difference in that person's life! At least I can stand before God and say, "I tried."

April 25, 2022

Governor Tom Wolf:

Enclosed is a copy of a letter being sent to President Biden and Vice President Harris. You will notice that the focus of the letter is on a very critical moral issue. It calls for these two to repent of their support of the killing of unborn children which is viewed by the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all who dwell within as an abomination (Proverbs 6)!

You also are a part of this repulsive activity and need to repent as do those who claim to be leaders in this republic but are leading us down the fast track to judgment at the hands of Almighty God!

Still contending (Jude 3,4)

Clayton D. Harriger

Galatians 6:7,8 Psalm 9:17

How to Become a Christian at

It Is Time at

Ripe for Judgment? at

Good News! The Day Coming in Which All Politicians Will Be Removed from Office! at

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