Staffers on Capitol Hill were calling it the Louisiana Purchase.
On the eve of Saturday's showdown in the Senate over health-care reform, Democratic leaders still hadn't secured the support of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), one of the 60 votes needed to keep the legislation alive. The wavering lawmaker was offered a sweetener: at least $100 million in extra federal money for her home state.
And so it came to pass that Landrieu walked onto the Senate floor midafternoon Saturday to announce her aye vote -- and to trumpet the financial "fix" she had arranged for Louisiana. "I am not going to be defensive," she declared. "And it's not a $100 million fix. It's a $300 million fix." --- recent news release on vote by the Senate to proceed on ObamaCare!
Be honest now – can any genuine law abiding U. S. citizen really be surprised at anything that takes place within the halls of the United States Congress anymore?
The latest debacle made headlines when Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) cast her vote in favor of proceeding with the health-care reform bill. The pay-off for her vote was $300 million for the state of Louisiana! Those Dems needed 60 votes to proceed and Mary got a ton of money for her state by wavering for a bit, but eventually came through for Harry Reid & Co!
Most of us are familiar with the process of an apple getting rotten. It isn’t 100 per cent ripe and ready to eat one day and then the next day it is 100 per cent rotten and good for absolutely nothing! It always starts with just a small spot which, as with a cancer, grows larger with each passing day.
So it has been with the U. S. Congress and the corrupting influence within it. Over time these people have concentrated FIRST on themselves and what they can personally gain from their position of holding public office. You need a bunch of air sick bags as you explore the salaries and benefits these people have voted for themselves. How many companies with employees, whether large or small, do you know in which the employees by power of their vote determine what their wages will be and all the attending benefits? No negotiating – by vote alone the wages are determined and what they will get for pension, what the health benefits are going to be, what they get for expenses such as their traveling around here or there, what they get for furniture, what kind of time off they get, etc.
But the corruption is seen also in how the voting is handled in legislative matters as in the recent instance of bribery and what some term the new “Louisiana Purchase!” That is precisely what happened in obtaining a favorable vote from Mary Landrieu. And you need another carton of sick bags when you hear her “explanation” in regard to her vote. These people have long sense forfeited any sense of respect and deserve to be held in the highest contempt possible! This is why each registered voter should make up his or her mind to ALWAYS vote anti-incumbent at the state and federal levels in every election for at least 12 to 16 years minimum. It likely would take that long for them to learn that they serve us and that we are not their slaves!
For those who believe in the power of prayer, how about concentrating on praying that God will return upon the heads of these people the “fruit of their doings?” It is a very Biblical expression and there are prayers in the Psalms which appeal for God to deal with those who abuse their power and take unfair advantage of their role in government for selfish gain!
May God reward them according to their selfishness and greed, and may He remove them from their positions soon, if they fail to fully repent of their wickedness!
Woe to her who is rebellious and polluted, to the oppressing city! She has not obeyed His voice, she has not received correction; she has not trusted in the LORD, she has not drawn near to her God. Her princes in her midst are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves that leave not a bone till morning. Her prophets are insolent, treacherous people; her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law. --- Zephaniah 3:1-4