To: Bishop Cynthia Moore Koikoi and Cabinet members of W. Pennsylvania Annual Conference: Sung Chung, Dawn Hand, Bradford L. Lauster, J. Patrick Lenox, Patricia M. Nelson, Eric Park, James N. Pond, Jodie Barron Smith, Dennis Swineford, Robert F. Zilhaver
Lots of news and a myriad of comments via social media about the United Methodist Church dealing with a thing called, “A Way Forward.” Of course it can be seriously debated as to whether it is really a way forward or a way backward!
The plan at the forefront as presented by denominational leadership is nothing less than an effort to have universal acceptance of same-sex intimacy/marriage as being morally acceptable without objection. The promotion of this objective was obvious in the Order of Elders meetings held in recent months. The first statement in a visual presentation was this: “We are all children of God.” That is blatantly false! John in his letter divides the human race into two categories – children of God and children of the Devil. Paul in a confrontation with one person called that individual a child of the Devil. Most importantly Jesus in a dispute with a group of persons said they were of their father, the Devil! Most would agree that you cannot be a child of God and a child of the Devil at the same time – that would produce quite a hybrid, wouldn’t you say?
At the conference web site the following statement is made: “Led by a resident Bishop, the Conference is governed both by the denomination's Book of Discipline and actions agreed on by clergy and lay representatives of its local churches who meet each in an Annual Conference session.” We elders took vows at ordination which included obedience to the Discipline. It is obvious that a number of elders throughout the USA have made liars of themselves in regard to such vows regarding the doctrine and discipline of the UMC! At least one bishop has done same-sex weddings and a former “leader” of the W. PA Conference now supports the sodomite/lesbian agenda! And we now have a practicing lesbian who was illegally elected to the office of bishop and nothing is being done about that violation!
And now for the question: if any of you superintendents discover that a pastor in your district has done a same-sex wedding in his/her church, what will you do? According to the Discipline, this would require action to be taken because not only has God’s Word been violated but also the UMC Discipline! Your decisive action in following the Discipline would also assume support of the bishop in dealing with the issue.
Still contending (Jude 3,4)
Clayton D. Harriger, retired elder and member of W. PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
NOTE: For those reading this blog, statements were made about references in Scripture related to some people being "children of the devil." The references are 1 John 3, Acts 13:10, and John 8.