Sunday, February 21, 2021

Letter to Newly Elected Members of the 117th U.S. Congress

NOTE: After the November 3rd election in 2020, a letter was sent to all newly elected members of the 117th United States Congress. Enclosed was the letter sent to the members of the 116th Congress, which is posted below this one.

To All Newly Elected Members of the 117th United States Congress:

Enclosed please find letter originally written on 9/11 Anniversary of 2020 which was sent to the members of the 116th U. S. Congress. Obviously, it was totally ignored which means we continue on the fast track to judgment at the hands of Almighty God and I expect you will also make the same response, but I have done what God wanted me to do. However, one senator did make a personal response and it was not a form letter but rather detailed as to what he was doing and how he was involved in trying to protect the unborn among other things.

Clayton D. Harriger, Retired Elder PH = 814-749-6960
Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
Box 32, Belsano PA 15922