Monday, August 29, 2022

Letter to a Number of Newspapers > August 2022

NOTE The following was sent out recently to a number of newspapers including the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat and the Indiana Gazette. The Johnstown Tribune-Democrat published it on August 27th.


The dominant issue of gun violence and gun control as prattled on by talking heads in the mass media and numerous politicians in the swamp known as Washington, D.C., has now taken second place to the furor over the SCOTUS decision on Roe v. Wade.

Protests, property destruction and threats have erupted with the prevailing message being, “It is a constitutional right for a pregnant female to conspire and have her unborn child mutilated and murdered if that is her choice.”

The greatest tragedy in all this is the failure to recognize God’s view of human life. He identifies us as per- sons before conception in our mother’s wombs and has a marvelous plan for our lives.

Consequently, because of our defiance and lack of respect for human life, we are now on the fast track to experiencing God’s wrath in judgment.

It is simply a matter of how soon, possibly before Biden leaves office, since he is an ardent supporter of killing unborn children by the thousands every week.

Clayton D. Harriger
Pastor Retired
Belsano PA