Military's Gay Ban Lifted --- Internet News Headline ----- President Obama signs into law the banning of the DADT policy that existed in the military for a number of years which prevented sodomites and lesbians from serving openly in the military --- news release December 22, 2010
Few if any would dispute the fact that those who are sodomite or lesbian in their sexual practices can pull a trigger on a rifle, dig a fox hole, drive a Humvee, maneuver a tank, fly a bomber, run a military computer, or steer a battleship as well as any heterosexual person. And in some cases they may do these and other tasks even better than a heterosexual counterpart. And such individuals can, in most instances, get along quite well with their heterosexual comrades. But these are not and likely have never really been the issues.
The issue is a moral one. God's special revelation made available to the human race reveals the sexual boundaries which have been set up by the Creator of this vast universe. There are sexual moral issues that are defined and God spells out clearly what is acceptable conduct in sexual experience and expression and what is not. Of the various sexual violations of God's moral code there is one that stands separate from the others. Sodomy is not regarded as just a sinful violation (missing the mark; or lawlessness), but as an abomination!
It is difficult, if not impossible, for the human mind to grasp the significance of God's choice in using such a word for a specific sexual transgression. Perhaps we can start by picturing this offense as not just a sin, but sin intensified many, many times over. That it is a horrible and most destestable stench in the nostrils of a holy God! Those who are natives in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania know that if you drive by the rotting carcass of a deer hit on the highway in 85 degree temperature in the summertime, the smell is most unpleasant. The Bible at times describes offenses on the part of humans rising before God as a stench that is most repulsive!
There is not one place in all the Scripture where sodomy and lesbianism are revealed and described in a positive light, or that such conduct is ever acceptable to God. The reason is really rather simple -- God's design for His creation involved male and female humans with the capacity to be sexually intimate. But the boundary which God established on this limited sexual intimacy to a male and female who were committed to each other within the covenant of marriage! The Bible records a number of sexual encounters taking place in the history of the human race with the only acceptable ones being those who were married. Anything outside of the marriage union was a moral offense. But as mentioned earlier, God placed sodomy in a separate category by labeling it as an abomination.
I am fully aware, due to the massive and successful brain-washing that has been under way in our culture for years that, first of all, to state what I have just stated places me in the category of being a homophobe and a hate-monger. Second, there are those who have attempted to "interpret" the Scriptures so that sodomy and lesbianism are quite acceptable so long as the "couple" involved are "monogamous" and "committed." The same Scriptures do warn of those who will twist and pervert the Scriptures to their own destruction. So, not just in the public at large, but within church circles we have the growing acceptance of sodomy and lesbianism as legitimate and morally correct lifestyles!
It was simply a matter of time until the issue of the military's approach to sodomy and lesbianism would be addressed and altered by the U. S. Congress and a president's signature. But remember this - God will be making His response to this as well as to other national expressions of defiance against Him Who makes our life and existence possible -- the One before Whom we will appear ultimately to be judged!
Mentioned at the beginning was the fact of God's special revelation being made available to the human race. That is where the problem really lies -- massive refusal to accept God's revelation. To obey and put it all into practice evokes a response that is akin to the ancient Romans in their Coliseum. When they looked to see the emperor's response to a fight between gladiators and one was down with the opponent holding a sword to his throat, the emperor would turn thumbs down which meant the defeated gladiator was to be killed for such a "poor fight!" The crowd would follow the emperor and give the thumbs down response as well. To God, the vast majority is giving a thumbs down on His moral code for human sexual behavior and that includes same-sex intimacy! By the way, which way is your thumb pointing these days -- the same as the U. S. Congress and the president, or is yours pointing up in response to God's moral code?
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! --- Isaiah 5:20
And He (Jesus) said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God." --- Luke 16:15