Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Valentine Especially for You!

Sorry, this is a day late -- however, if you give serious thought to this one, it's appropriate 365 days each year, and 366 on Leap Year, is it not? But then valentines are like a host of other things -- you can accept them when offered to you or reject them. And of course the Valentine of all valentines as recorded below is one we can accept or reject as well!

"For God so loVed the world
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosoever
Believeth In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life."

------ John 3:16

Now then -- the BIG question -- in fact, the most important question we will ever have to face and come up with an answer in our lifetime will be this -- just how did we respond to God's special "Valentine" which He offers to each human being in this world, you and I included?

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